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Maintenance work of worm gear reducer

Pubdate:2018-07-27 10:27:26   Hits:3189   【Large Moderate Small
The maintenance work of worm gear reducer should be done daily.

First, check the oil supply temperature of the reducer. The temperature of oil supply is generally 40-50 degrees C. If it exceeds this range, the oil supply or oil cooler supply should be adjusted. The temperature of the first stage pinion bearing bracket is 20-50 degrees C higher than that of the lubricating oil supplied. The temperature of other bearing brackets is 10 degrees C higher than that of the lubricating oil supplied. If the temperature area is too high, check the cause immediately. (3) check the oil storage of the lubricating oil storage tank regularly and keep the oil level higher than the lowest position of the oil standard. 4. The lubricating oil added to the oil tank must be the same as the original oil. (5) the return line of lubricating oil should be cleaned once every operation 200H and record well. Check the lubricating oil once a day, once a month, once every six months. When unqualified, it needs to be replaced. _Always listen to the abnormal noise from the gear box near the gear occlusion, and listen to the noise from the gear box near the bearing bracket, find the problem and deal with it in time.


