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What is worm gear and worm gear?

Pubdate:2018-07-26 08:42:17   Hits:3599   【Large Moderate Small
What is worm gear and worm gear?

The worm has the same right and left spin as the thread, which is called the right-handed worm and the left worm. The worm has only one helix called a single-head worm, that is, the worm rotates a circle, the worm wheel rotates a tooth, if the worm has two helix, it is called a double-head worm, that is, the worm rotates a circle, the worm wheel rotates two teeth. In this way, the number of worm heads is expressed in Z1 (general Z1=1~4), and the number of worm gears is expressed by Z2.

From the formula of transmission ratio, it can be seen that when Z1 = 1, that is, the worm is a single head, the worm has to rotate the worm wheel before turning a turn, so that a large transmission ratio can be obtained, generally in power transmission, take the transmission ratio I = 10-80; in the indexing mechanism, I can reach 1000. Such a large transmission, such as gear transmission, it needs to adopt multi-stage transmission, so the worm transmission structure is compact, small size, light weight.


